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Notice Of Co-Option


There are Town Councillor vacancies in Priory and Garth Wards which the Town Council will now fill by co-option. If you are a British Citizen, over 18, registered to vote in the area and have lived or worked in Haverfordwest for more than one year we would welcome your application to become a member of Haverfordwest Town Council.

Councillors represent their community, influence policies and work to improve the area they represent by making things happen and getting things done. If you are a community spirited person who cares about future development and facilities and wants to make a difference on important issues why not bring your enthusiasm and transferable skills to the Town Council?

Application forms and details of eligibility criteria can be obtained from the Town Council Offices or by email to:

Haverfordwest Town Council, Council Offices,
Old Wool Market, Quay Street, Haverfordwest SA61 1BG
01437 763771 Closing date for applications is 31st August 2024.